My searching mindShall think of God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМій шукаючий розум
Думатиме тільки, тільки, тількиПро Бога.
My crying heartShall love God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМоє заплакане серце
Любитиме тільки, тільки, тількиБога.
My smiling lifeShall serve God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМоє усміхнене життя
Служитиме тільки, тільки, тількиБогові.
I must dive deep withinAnd know what I came
To this earth-stage for.```
СьогодніЯ повинен зануритися в себе
І пізнати, для чого я прийшовНа цю земну сцену.
I must conquer all my enemiesWith my heart's unbounded love.
СьогодніЯ повинен завоювати всіх своїх ворогів
Безмежною любов’ю мого серця. ```Today
I shall smile at everybodyWith my self-giving heart.
СьогодніЯ усміхатимуся всім
Із самовідданим серцем. ```Today
I shall turn my heartInto a God-Victory-song.
СьогодніЯ перетворю своє серце
На пісню про Божу Перемогу. ```Today
I shall imagineGod-Sun-Smile-Blossoms
On everybody's face.```
СьогодніЯ уявлятиму
Сонячні Цвітіння Божої УсмішкиНа обличчі кожного.
Each and every breath of mineI shall prayerfully dedicate
To my Lord Supreme.```
СьогодніКожен свій подих
Я молитовно присвячуМоєму Господу Всевишньому.
I am giving my mindA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму розуму
Нове ім’я:Щирість.
I am giving my heartA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму серцю
Нове ім’я:Чистота.
I am giving my lifeA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму життю
Нове ім’я:Вдячність.
I shall develop a burning hunger-cryFor my self-transcendence
So that I can receiveFrom my Lord Supreme
His Abundance-Delight.```
СьогодніЯ розвину палкий плач-голод
За моїм самоперевершенням,Щоб я міг отримати
Від мого Господа ВсевишньогоЙого Захват-Достаток.
God's Compassion-EyeAnd His Silence-Heart
Have come to meTo blessingfully congratulate me
On my unconditional surrender.```
СьогодніБоже Око-Співчуття
І Його Серце-БезмовністьПрийшли до мене,
Щоб благословенно привітати менеЗ моїм беззастережним зреченням.
My heart's burning God-eagernessHas invoked God
And fulfilled GodIn His own Way.
СьогодніМого серця палаюче прагнення Бога
Закликало БогаІ здійснило Бога
Так, як Він того бажає. ```Today
My gratitude-heart has entered intoGod's Compassion-Heart,
Never to return.```
СьогодніМоє серце вдячності увійшло
В Боже Серце-Співчуття,Щоб залишитися там назавжди.
I shall cry and cryFor God's Compassion-Eye,
His Protection-HandsAnd His Forgiveness-Feet.
СьогодніЯ плакатиму і благатиму
Про Боже Око-Співчуття,Його Руки-Захист
І Його Стопи-Прощення. ```Today
I shall increase my God-hungerAt every moment.
СьогодніЯ щомиті збільшуватиму
Мій голод до Бога. ```Today
My heart and IPrayerfully, soulfully and self-givingly
Shall devote ourselves to GodAnd His Satisfaction.
СьогодніМи з моїм серцем
Молитовно, щиро і самовідданоПрисвятимо себе Богові
І Його Задоволенню. ```Today
My soul is carrying meTo the happiness-goal beyond.
СьогодніМоя душа несе мене
До позамежної цілі-щастя. ```Today
My Lord Supreme will bless meWith what He eternally is
In His own Heart:Satisfaction.
СьогодніМій Господь Всевишній благословить мене
Тим, чим Він є вічноУ Його власному Серці:
Задоволеністю. ```Today
I must smile and smileTo unburden the sorrowful life
Of this world.```
СьогодніЯ повинен усміхатися й усміхатися
Щоб полегшити сумне життяЦього світу.
I am praying to my Lord SupremeTo allow me to come to Him
With my heart's purity-tears.```
СьогодніЯ молюся моєму Господу Всевишньому,
Щоб Він дозволив мені прийти до НьогоЗі сльозами-чистотою мого серця.
A completely new beginningIs beckoning me.
СьогодніЦілковито новий початок
Вабить мене. ```Today
Out of countless things,I have chosen only two things:
God's Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Feet.
СьогодніІз безлічі речей
Я обрав лише дві:Боже Око-Співчуття
І Його Стопи-Прощення. ```Today
Self-givingly I shall walkOnly along God's Love-Compassion-Road.
СьогодніЯ самовіддано йтиму
Лише Шляхом Божої Любові-Співчуття. ```Today
I shall compelMy God-hunger-heart
To be genuine.```
СьогодніЯ змушу
Моє голодне до Бога серцеБути справжнім.
I shall becomeThe song of my dedication-life
And the dance of my aspiration-heart.```
СьогодніЯ стану
Піснею мого життя-посвятиІ танцем мого серця-стремління.
God wants me to see and feelThat He is truly delighted
With my new God-searching mind,My new God-dreaming heart
And my new God-surrendering life.```
СьогодніБог хоче, щоб я побачив і відчув,
Що Він справді у захватіВід мого нового розуму, що шукає Бога,
Мого нового серця, що мріє про Бога,І мого нового життя, що зрікається перед Богом.
I strongly feelThat my heart, my life and I
Belong to God's Rainbow-Dream.```
СьогодніЯ глибоко вірю,
Що моє серце, моє життя і яНалежимо Мрії-Веселці Бога.
Like God,I shall not think of the future;
I shall not speak of the future;I shall try to live in the Eternal Now.
Сьогодні,Подібно до Бога,
Я не буду думати про майбутнє,Не буду говорити про майбутнє;
Я спробую жити у Вічному Тепер.```
author: Шрі Чинмойlanguage: ua
book-number: 1110year: 1996
publisher: Agni Presscite-key: TDY
genre: poem ---Today
My searching mindShall think of God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМій шукаючий розум
Думатиме тільки, тільки, тількиПро Бога.
My crying heartShall love God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМоє заплакане серце
Любитиме тільки, тільки, тількиБога.
My smiling lifeShall serve God
Only, only, only.```
СьогодніМоє усміхнене життя
Служитиме тільки, тільки, тількиБогові.
I must dive deep withinAnd know what I came
To this earth-stage for.```
СьогодніЯ повинен зануритися в себе
І пізнати, для чого я прийшовНа цю земну сцену.
I must conquer all my enemiesWith my heart's unbounded love.
СьогодніЯ повинен завоювати всіх своїх ворогів
Безмежною любов’ю мого серця. ```Today
I shall smile at everybodyWith my self-giving heart.
СьогодніЯ усміхатимуся всім
Із самовідданим серцем. ```Today
I shall turn my heartInto a God-Victory-song.
СьогодніЯ перетворю своє серце
На пісню про Божу Перемогу. ```Today
I shall imagineGod-Sun-Smile-Blossoms
On everybody's face.```
СьогодніЯ уявлятиму
Сонячні Цвітіння Божої УсмішкиНа обличчі кожного.
Each and every breath of mineI shall prayerfully dedicate
To my Lord Supreme.```
СьогодніКожен свій подих
Я молитовно присвячуМоєму Господу Всевишньому.
I am giving my mindA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму розуму
Нове ім’я:Щирість.
I am giving my heartA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму серцю
Нове ім’я:Чистота.
I am giving my lifeA new name:
СьогодніЯ даю своєму життю
Нове ім’я:Вдячність.
I shall develop a burning hunger-cryFor my self-transcendence
So that I can receiveFrom my Lord Supreme
His Abundance-Delight.```
СьогодніЯ розвину палкий плач-голод
За моїм самоперевершенням,Щоб я міг отримати
Від мого Господа ВсевишньогоЙого Захват-Достаток.
God's Compassion-EyeAnd His Silence-Heart
Have come to meTo blessingfully congratulate me
On my unconditional surrender.```
СьогодніБоже Око-Співчуття
І Його Серце-БезмовністьПрийшли до мене,
Щоб благословенно привітати менеЗ моїм беззастережним зреченням.
My heart's burning God-eagernessHas invoked God
And fulfilled GodIn His own Way.
СьогодніМого серця палаюче прагнення Бога
Закликало БогаІ здійснило Бога
Так, як Він того бажає. ```Today
My gratitude-heart has entered intoGod's Compassion-Heart,
Never to return.```
СьогодніМоє серце вдячності увійшло
В Боже Серце-Співчуття,Щоб залишитися там назавжди.
I shall cry and cryFor God's Compassion-Eye,
His Protection-HandsAnd His Forgiveness-Feet.
СьогодніЯ плакатиму і благатиму
Про Боже Око-Співчуття,Його Руки-Захист
І Його Стопи-Прощення. ```Today
I shall increase my God-hungerAt every moment.
СьогодніЯ щомиті збільшуватиму
Мій голод до Бога. ```Today
My heart and IPrayerfully, soulfully and self-givingly
Shall devote ourselves to GodAnd His Satisfaction.
СьогодніМи з моїм серцем
Молитовно, щиро і самовідданоПрисвятимо себе Богові
І Його Задоволенню. ```Today
My soul is carrying meTo the happiness-goal beyond.
СьогодніМоя душа несе мене
До позамежної цілі-щастя. ```Today
My Lord Supreme will bless meWith what He eternally is
In His own Heart:Satisfaction.
СьогодніМій Господь Всевишній благословить мене
Тим, чим Він є вічноУ Його власному Серці:
Задоволеністю. ```Today
I must smile and smileTo unburden the sorrowful life
Of this world.```
СьогодніЯ повинен усміхатися й усміхатися
Щоб полегшити сумне життяЦього світу.
I am praying to my Lord SupremeTo allow me to come to Him
With my heart's purity-tears.```
СьогодніЯ молюся моєму Господу Всевишньому,
Щоб Він дозволив мені прийти до НьогоЗі сльозами-чистотою мого серця.
A completely new beginningIs beckoning me.
СьогодніЦілковито новий початок
Вабить мене. ```Today
Out of countless things,I have chosen only two things:
God's Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Feet.
СьогодніІз безлічі речей
Я обрав лише дві:Боже Око-Співчуття
І Його Стопи-Прощення. ```Today
Self-givingly I shall walkOnly along God's Love-Compassion-Road.
СьогодніЯ самовіддано йтиму
Лише Шляхом Божої Любові-Співчуття. ```Today
I shall compelMy God-hunger-heart
To be genuine.```
СьогодніЯ змушу
Моє голодне до Бога серцеБути справжнім.
I shall becomeThe song of my dedication-life
And the dance of my aspiration-heart.```
СьогодніЯ стану
Піснею мого життя-посвятиІ танцем мого серця-стремління.
God wants me to see and feelThat He is truly delighted
With my new God-searching mind,My new God-dreaming heart
And my new God-surrendering life.```
СьогодніБог хоче, щоб я побачив і відчув,
Що Він справді у захватіВід мого нового розуму, що шукає Бога,
Мого нового серця, що мріє про Бога,І мого нового життя, що зрікається перед Богом.
I strongly feelThat my heart, my life and I
Belong to God's Rainbow-Dream.```
СьогодніЯ глибоко вірю,
Що моє серце, моє життя і яНалежимо Мрії-Веселці Бога.
Like God,I shall not think of the future;
I shall not speak of the future;I shall try to live in the Eternal Now.
Сьогодні,Подібно до Бога,
Я не буду думати про майбутнє,Не буду говорити про майбутнє;
Я спробую жити у Вічному Тепер. ```Today
I have realisedThat the most important thing
In a human lifeIs a constant God-fulfilment-willingness.
I shall succeedIn bringing to the fore
My heart's God-hungerAnd placing it inside my eyes.
I am seeing God and PeaceSmiling at each other.
God is smiling proudly.Peace is smiling soulfully.
My mind is budding beautifullyAnd my heart is blossoming self-givingly
To be placed at the Feet of God. ```Today
I clearly see and feelThat my willingness and eagerness
Shall excel in God's examinations. ```Today
I shall compel my stone-mind to meltInto God-Satisfaction-tears.
I am determined to free myselfFrom the turbulent ocean
Of my thought-mind. ```Today
At long lastMy mind wants to begin
Its long-delayed God-pilgrimage. ```Today
God tells meThat my mind's willingness
And my heart's eagernessTo please Him
Will have no speed limits. ```Today
My Lord SupremeIs most compassionately telling me
That He can be of more useTo my aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeIf I can give Him
A little more of my receptivity. ```Today
I shall become inseparably oneWith my heart's soaring God-dreams.
I shall cryWith my life's streaming tears.
I have taken a solemn oathTo defeat even the very breath
Of ignorance-night. ```Today
I am hoping to please God and satisfy GodIn His own Way
At every moment,Although this hope may be
Beyond the remotest possibility. ```Today
Not even a giant hostile forceWill dare to strike my heart
And shake my life-tree. ```Today
To my heart's extreme joy,I have already hurled all my doubts
And all my fearsInto the dust.
For the first timeI have come to realise
That God does not at all appreciateMy unsolicited advice.
God and I exchanged lovely presents.I gave Him slowly and secretly
The tears of my eyes.He gave me swiftly and openly
The Smiles of His Heart. ```Today
I shall enjoy watchingMy mind's ego-life-tower
Crumbling. ```Today
I said to God,"My Lord, I am so happy to have You
As my only Friend.God said to me,
"My child, I am so happy to declare MyselfAs your only slave."
I have come to discoverThat with every meditation
My spiritual heart-muscle can growStrong, stronger, strongest.
My heart is praying to GodMost soulfully
Not to listenTo my mind's long list of complaints.
I can clearly seeThat my sleeplessly self-giving heart
Is destined to returnTo God's Heart-Home.
I shall forcefully bringMy mind's disobedience and doubt
Under my perfect control. ```Today
The moment I gave GodMy aspiration-heart,
He immediately gave meHis All:
Infinity's Peace. ```Today
To my heart's extreme delight,I have lost all my hunger
For world-possession. ```Today
I shall stop plying my life-boatBetween my worthlessness-shore
And my nothingness-shore. ```Today
I shall become onlyMy God-necessity-slave-cry.
I have unmistakably come to learnThat without my heart's
Aspiration-intensity,I will never have a bumper crop
Of experience-realities. ```Today
On the strength of my sleepless inner cry,I shall awaken
The divine smile within meAnd silence
The undivine laughter within me. ```Today
Not even for a fleeting momentShall I speak ill
Of anybody. ```Today
I shall completely stopFeasting on my daydreams and fantasies
While I pray and meditate. ```Today
I shall break openMy mind's self-deception-prison.
My soul is crying and cryingWhile observing
My fragile God-fulfilment-promises. ```Today
I feel that I haveAbsolutely no necessity
To follow my zig-zag mind-road. ```Today
God will fill my emptiness-mindWith His Fulness-Silence.
With my iron determinationI shall break into pieces
My mind's superiority-mask. ```Today
I shall ruthlessly discardMy celestial dream-destroyer:
Doubt. ```Today
I shall play, sing and danceAnd do nothing else
Inside my mind'sPeace-fragrance-land.
I shall walk, run and even sprintAlong my heart's endless aspiration-road
And pay no attentionTo the notorious indifference
Of the entire world. ```Today
I shall not permitMy mind's disobedience
To devourMy heart's God-aspiration-flames.
God, out of His infinite Compassion,Has begun to read once again
My God-manifestation-promise-book. ```Today
With my adamantine determination,I shall keep my mind
Under perfect controlAnd not allow my mind
To roam endlesslyHere there and all-where.
I have forced my impatience-mindTo take its final departure.
My desire-life has acceptedIts permanent defeat
By my aspiration-heart. ```Today
My crying heart has finally foundWhat it was desperately looking for:
God's Compassion-Smile. ```Today
No more shall I allow fear and doubtTo walk up and down my mind-road.
To my heart's extreme sorrow,God has told me
That even His CompassionIs unable to reach
My stupidity's abysmal abyss. ```Today
Both my desire-mindAnd my aspiration-heart
I shall place at the FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
I asked my mind,"What are you working on?"
My mind said,"I am working on my illumination."
I asked my life,"What are you working on?"
My life replied,"I am working on my transformation."
I asked my heart,"What are you working on?"
My heart responded,"I am working on God-satisfaction,
Only on God-Satisfaction." ```Today
Unlike other days,I shall not disappoint
My Lord SupremeEven for a fleeting moment.
Like other days,My mind has again failed to impress God
With its grandiose achievements. ```Today
God is desperately searchingFor my mind's cheerful surrender
To His Will. ```Today
Because of myGod-fulfilment-willingness-mind,
God has opened myriad paths for meTo His Heart-Kingdom.
God has brought meThree special presents:
His Compassion-Eye,His Forgiveness-Heart,
His Concern-Life. ```Today
I shall embraceMy enthusiasm-heart
And disgraceMy idleness-body.
At long last my heart will makeAn unconditional pilgrimage
To God's Fulness-Heart. ```Today
Like God,I shall keep expectation
At the farthest corner of the globe. ```Today
I unmistakably feel and seeThat I am destined
For tomorrow's God-fulfilling victories. ```Today
My surrender-mindHas both charmed
And surprised God. ```Today
I clearly seeThat all my mind-achievement-possessions
Are absolutely worthless. ```Today
God has done me a very special favour:He has told me that
He will unreservedly help meTo tame my mind.
To my extreme delight,God has told me
That my unconditional surrenderIs the only infallible way
To please Him. ```Today
God has shown meThe extremity of His Compassion:
He has once and for all removedAll my mind's inextricable complications.
I shall go to GodUnconditionally
Instead of asking GodTo come to me
Compassionately. ```Today
My heart is extremely eagerTo be examined
By God Himself. ```Today
No matter how much I sufferAt the hands of humanity,
I shall not stop loving God. ```Today
I shall realiseThat God's Compassion forgives me,
But His Justice illumines me. ```Today
My heart and IAre so happy and delighted
That we shall be able to travelTo God's Kingdom.
I have fully realisedThat without God's Compassion,
My heart will remain utterly insufficientAnd my life will remain totally worthless.
Unlike other days,I shall not beg my mind,
I shall drag my mindTo study in my heart's oneness-school.
I am going to liberate my mindFrom desire-shackles
And help my mind enter intoThe ever-deepening silence.
I shall completely stopPlanning for the future.
I am really embarrassedFor keeping my doubting mind
And my thundering egoOn display.
I shall frighten and threatenAnd then illumine
The ignorance-intruder. ```Today
My life's motto will beGod-dependence,
And not self-reliance. ```Today
I must shorten the spanOf my self-created ignorance-life.
I must learn why and howMy aspiration-decline
Has been so dramatic. ```Today
I have realisedThat the revelation
Of my silence-heart-lifeHas to be at once spontaneous
And constant. ```Today
I shall dauntlesslyShun the company
Of my God-unwillingness-mind. ```Today
I have already discardedMy past failure-life
And am now invokingMy soul's all-illumining light.
I shall not allowDoubt, impurity and insecurity
To demolish my heart'sGod-conviction-tower.
My Lord and I are enjoyingThe final end
Of my mind's shameless sovereignty. ```Today
The divine in me is so happyThat the undivine in me
Has no more excuses to offer God. ```Today
I must pay all attentionTo God's Justice-Light-Stories,
Compassion-Height-PoemsAnd Forgiveness-Delight-Songs.
I am giving God unconditionallyWhat I have:
My gratitude-heart-bloom,And God is giving me unreservedly
What He is:His Satisfaction-Heart-Blossoms.
For the first timeI clearly see
That my doubt-mind-travellerIs bound to meet with
An expedition-disaster. ```Today
I shall not allow myself to be caughtEven by a tiny trickle
Of temptation. ```Today
God has had a number of meetingsWith ignorance-night
To release me from its prison. ```Today
I shall expedite the progressOf my willingness-mind
And my eagerness-heart. ```Today
To my extreme joy,My soul's God-dreams
And my life's God-hopesAre taking me to God's
Satisfaction-Heart-Home. ```Today
My heart-home-gardenIs inundated
With God's immeasurableAnd unconditional Delight.
I shall concentrateOnly on one thing:
What God expects from my life,And not what I expect from my life.
I clearly seeThat if I want to make
The fastest progress in my life,Then nothing is trivial
And nothing is unimportant. ```Today
I shall pray to GodTo protect my life
And forgive my mindWith His exceptionally strong
And long Arms. ```Today
I shall try to be worthyOf God's assessment of my life:
I am a supremely chosen instrument of His. ```Today
I shall put an endTo my impatience-mind
So that at leastI shall be able to offer God
A minute's peace. ```Today
And not tomorrow,I shall love God unconditionally,
For tomorrow may be too lateFor me to love God
In His own Way. ```Today
I shall prayNot for the leadership
Of mankind,But for the friendship
Of God. ```Today
Great and joyous newsHas come from Above:
I shall never, never fail God. ```Today
On the strengthOf my heart's inner cries,
I shall increaseMy God-Satisfaction-hunger.
I shall prayerfully appoint GodTo take away from me
My world-disappointments. ```Today
God is repeatedly telling meThat His Compassion and Concern for me
Cannot go any further. ```Today
To my heart's extreme joy,I unmistakably see
That my heart's streaming tearsLive a very short distance
From God's Satisfaction-Land. ```Today
I shall compel my mindTo shorten its ego-life
And compel my heartTo lengthen its surrender-breath
To God. ```Today
I shall live betweenMy heart's fast-increasing enthusiasm
And my mind's fast-decreasing negativity. ```Today
I shall powerfully punishMy doubt-indulgence-mind.
I shall pray to GodTo bless my heart
With a constant peace-hunger-cry. ```Today
God alone, and nobody else,Will give me
His most precious Possession:Peace.
Unlike other days,My heart and I will not be late
To keep our God-appointment. ```Today
Heaven is blessing meWith its most precious gift:
An ever-blossoming Smile,And earth is blessing me
With its most precious possession:A never-ending cry.
I shall pray to God most sincerelyTo accept my fearful mind
And tearful heart. ```Today
I feel stronglyThat my heart's peace-blossoms
Will endear themselvesTo my entire being.
God has given me the capacityTo feed His Compassion-Eye
With my gratitude-heart. ```Today
To my wide astonishment,God has complete faith
In my God-manifestation-promises. ```Today
I have made a most solemn promiseTo myself
That I shall not disappoint GodUnder any circumstances.
Even if an army of hostile forcesAttacks and tortures me,
I shall not swerve from the path of truth,And I shall not lose an iota of faith
In my Beloved Lord Supreme. ```Today
I shall not surrenderTo my complexity-mind,
But to my simplicity-heart. ```Today
No, not even for a fleeting secondShall I accept
The supremacy of my mind. ```Today
God's Hope for meWill be rising and rising,
And not, like other days,Declining and declining.
I shall not allow ruthless doubtTo dare to come near my heart.
When God returns homeAfter visiting me,
My mind's gratitude-bloomsAnd my heart's gratitude-blossoms
Shall accompany Him. ```Today
God wants to turnMy self-promotion-story
Into my self-expansion-song. ```Today
My heart will secretly show meThe short passageway to my soul,
And my soul will show meThe shorter-than-the-shortest passageway
To my Lord Supreme. ```Today
To my greatest joy and relief,My supremely haughty ego-mind
Has developed the capacityTo work cheerfully
with my heart, vital and body. ```Today
My willingness-mind,My eagerness-heart and I
Shall play and sing together ceaselessly. ```Today
God is telling me again and againThat He will make my heart a specialist
In doing the impossible. ```Today
Not only shall I stop the constant quarrelBetween my mind and my vital,
But also turn them intoTwo mutually dependent friends.
I shall indomitably tear into piecesThe veils that hide
My all-illumination-soulAnd the Vision-Delight of the Beyond.
I can clearly seeThat my very existence
Is rooted inextricablyIn the fertile soil of faith.
I shall most successfullyAscend the stairway
From the all-doubting mindTo the all-embracing heart.
Appears before meWith its smiling hopes,
Dancing dreamsAnd blossoming realities.
God and His Compassion-descending EyeAre answering
All my aspiration-heart-prayers. ```Today
To my extreme joy,God is proudly announcing the victory
Of my heart's ceaseless tearsOver my mind's
Shameless arrogance-laughter. ```Today
The human in me is enamouredOf God's Heights and Depths,
And the divine in me is claimingGod's Heights and Depths
As its very own. ```Today
The divine in me is commanding meTo steer my life-boat
Happily and confidentlyAcross the river of trials and tribulations
To the Golden Shore,So that God's proudest Smile
Can feed my eyes, my heart and my all. ```Today
I shall, without fail,Manifest my long-cherished
Peace-dream-beauty-fragranceOn earth.
God has categorically told meThat he will never, never
Answer my mind's letters,But He will be always more than willing
To answer my heart's letters immediately. ```Today
I am determined to liberate myselfFrom my bondage-mind-contradictions.
My mind's readinessAnd my heart's willingness
Have speedily and safely arrivedAt God's complete Satisfaction-Pinnacle.
God-Infinity's PeaceHas come to examine
The self-givingness of my heart.I am so happy, for I know that my heart
Shall definitely succeed. ```Today
I shall treasureOnly those thoughts that are interwoven
With God's Compassion-Affection-Smiles. ```Today
The supreme hero in me is all readyTo fight with and conquer,
Once and for all,My mind's doubt-enemy.
To my extreme joy,Divinity's peace from the inner world
Has made its unprecedented appearanceIn my mind.
God Himself is teachingMy heart to cry,
My life to smileAnd my mind to fly far beyond
The doubt-bondage-territories. ```Today
My heart is no longerA peace-dreamer.
It has become a peace-revealerAnd peace-distributor
For the citizens of the world. ```Today
God has told meRight from the very start
That He will make meAn unconditional lover and server
Of His Divinity. ```Today
I shall do everythingLovingly and self-givingly
To make my captain-soul proud of me. ```Today
I have come to realiseThat God's Justice-Hand
Can be duplicated,But not His Compassion-Eye.
My Lord Supreme has not only seenMy gratitude-heart-flower,
But also He has devouredThe fragrance of my gratitude-heart.
Unlike other days, God is allowing onlyThe God-dreamers and God-lovers
To visit Him,And not the God-doubters
And God-talkers. ```Today
I can clearly seeThat I am completely mistaken
In my opinion that the real peaceAbides at an unreachable place.
Peace abides right here,Inside my heart's climbing cries.
Two things God is doing for meOut of His infinite Bounty:
He is giving my heart the eagernessTo run at full speed,
And He is forcing my mind to swimIn the ocean of Light and Bliss.
I shall not permit,Even for a fleeting second,
Any dismal feeling of failureTo crush my God-loving, God-serving
And God-fulfilling heart. ```Today
My mind shall stopParrot-like repetition of information
And start longing forThe life-transformation-illumination-flood.
I am not dreaming, but awake.Today
I am not only awake, but fully alert,Ready and eager
To destroy my mind'sIgnorance-cherished centuries.
My God-heart-hungerWill take me to see
The most adorable, personal God. ```Today
I shall pay no attentionTo my mind and its unanswerable questions.
God has blessingfully promisedTo grant me a fortified heart
And a satisfied life. ```Today
Unlike other days,I shall not accept
My doubt-mind-leader's invitationTo accompany him
On his disastrous expedition. ```Today
God's chief bodyguard,Peace,
Came to inform meThat God Himself is coming to see me
Shortly. ```Today
God's Peace-Promise-DreamsAre beckoning me.
My heart and I are all readyTo wrestle with and surmount
All our mind-created obstacles. ```Today
My heart opened its eyesFor the first time
And began to pray to God,Long before my mind
Asked me to continue sleeping. ```Today
I am not going to bowTo the inevitability of fate.
I shall change my fateAnd no longer remain
In the mind's desire-prison. ```Today
I shall not allow suspicionTo darken my mind's eyes.
My heart's God-aspiration-criesAnd my life's God-manifestation-smiles
Are enjoying each other's sweet company. ```Today
My Lord Supreme has given my mindThe most precious piece of advice:
Never to overestimate its capacities. ```Today
My soul's divine beautyThe world will see
In my life's human smile. ```Today
My prayerful heartHas grown into my powerful life
To manifest my Lord SupremeIn His own way.
My heart is quoting and quotingFrom my Lord's Autobiography
To quench its age-long God-thirst. ```Today
I must renewMy most precious friendship
With my only real friend:Peace.
God, my Lord Beloved Supreme,Is bound to feel much better
Because I am doing spiritually well. ```Today
Peace is so happily and proudlyFollowing in the footsteps
Of my unconditional surrenderTo God's Will.
Only my silence-hunger-cry,And nothing else,
Can give me true joy. ```Today
My heart's aspiration-treeWill reach its full height
And begin to offer realisation-fruits. ```Today
I have come to learnThat only peace-dreamers,
And nobody else but peace-dreamers,Can and will manifest
God's Victory on earth. ```Today
I shall not even glanceAt my defective mind.
I shall only lookAt my effective heart.
God has sent His PeaceTo interview me
Before He makes any decisionAs to whether He can see me or not.
I am taking an oathThat I shall no longer remain
In my self-exiled mindAnd self-negated life.
My God-disobedienceIs embarrassing me
More than I can possibly imagine. ```Today
God has emphatically told meThat He will not answer
Any more of my mind'sWorthless questions and useless letters.
I shall make a widespread search,Just to have a glimpse of God.
The truth-seeker in meIs telling me that I shall live
In a world-oneness-family,Not die in loneliness.
I shall enter my inner raceNot to win,
But to make God truly happy. ```Today
I told my desire-masterThat I shall no longer obey him.
From today on I shall obeyMy aspiration-captain.
To free my soul-beauty's fragrance-heart,I shall vehemently confront my mind
At every turn. ```Today
I see my soul's divinity-blossomsEven in my mind's darkest abyss.
I shall not allow anythingTo delay my God-fulfilment-eagerness.
No disobedienceWill be able to cripple
My God-manifestation-promise. ```Today
At long last, my Lord SupremeIs enjoying the fragrance
Of my gratitude-heart-garden. ```Today
I shall speak only to the seekersWho will show me a God-smiling face.
I do not know how and whyI am drowning
In my heart's uncried tears. ```Today
God's unconditional Compassion-EyeHas helped me to launch my life-boat
On peace-sea. ```Today
I am enjoyingMy soul's sleepless smiles
And my heart's sleepless tearsOf gratitude-flow.
God has forbidden meOnly one thing:
I must not look intoMy past failure-life.
I wanted GodTo be my life's supervisor,
But God wants to beMy heart's tutor instead.
I am fully convincedThat the sword
Will ultimately be vanquishedBy the heart.
I clearly see a short cutTo God's Feet,
And that short cut is my heart'sDeathless gratitude-smile.
To my extreme joy,I am running towards my Lord Supreme
With my heart's fastest willingness-speed. ```Today,
To be entirely free,I have surrendered all my earth-plans
To my Beloved Supreme. ```Today
I have become a self-offering-friendOf my soul's God-blossoming
Light and delight. ```Today
Ancient earth's purity-heartIs beating within my aspiration-life.
My heart's suffering knows no bounds,For my God-fulfilment-willingness
Has become extremely slow. ```Today
I shall compel my mindTo be totally incapable of falsehood.
God Himself,Out of His infinite Bounty,
Is flying my heart's aspiration-planeHigh, higher, highest.
God has categorically told meThat He will never, never read
My mind's world-criticism-book anymore. ```Today
Not I, but God HimselfHas banished my heart's depression-mist.
I have come to realiseThat each new aspiration-beginning
Is a God-manifestation-promise. ```Today
God's iron Fist has descendedTo end my unwillingness-mind's dominance.
I am so excited by God's PromiseThat depression will never again
Be able to visit me. ```Today
My God-faith is singing and dancingOn the grave of my past failures.
My hope-heart-pilgrimShall travel a long distance
To have a glimpseOf God's Compassion-Eye.
I shall powerfullyDominate my mind
And request my heartTo untiringly motivate my life.
God is telling meThat He is extremely proud of me
Because I never had, and never will have,Self-doubt-indulgence-disease.
Without fail, I shall keepMy self-flattery-snare
At a distance. ```Today
I shall dig deepIn my heart-garden
And sow aspiration-seedsTo grow realisation-plants.
Like my realisation-soul,My aspiration-heart
Will quote only God. ```Today
I shall not lament the shortnessOf my human life
But I shall rejoice in the hopeOf full God-manifestation on earth.
My unconditional surrender-lifeIs most powerfully blessed
By God's Paradise-Garden-Breath. ```Today
I have come to realiseThat all I need is boundless Compassion
From my Lord Beloved SupremeBoth in my inner life of aspiration
And in my outer life of dedication. ```Today
Right from the morningI shall stay inside my Lord's
Fully blossomed Compassion-Eye,Which is the eternal Home
Of all immortal seekers. ```Today
My Lord Supreme has told meThat not only my aspiring heart
But also my doubting mindAnd strangling vital
Are bound to be His sooner or later. ```Today
I am praying to GodTo give me a heart
That will never be tiredOf singing the praises
Of His Forgiveness-Heart. ```Today
My entire being is delightedWith the presence of God-smiling newness
In my mindAnd God-pleasing fulness
In my heart. ```Today
God has commanded meNot to contradict my heart-whispers
At any time. ```Today
My constant God-obedienceHas given me satisfaction-delight
Far, far beyond my imagination. ```Today
I shall not live inside my unaspiring mind,Even for a fleeting minute,
For my unaspiring mindIs nothing other than
Worthless uselessness. ```Today
I shall believe everythingThat I have ever heard from my heart
About my Lord Supreme'sCompassion-Eye and Forgiveness-Heart.
My self-giving breathHas become my soul's
Inexhaustible power. ```Today
I am absolutely certainThat God has no intention
Of abandoning me,In spite of my God-delaying mind.
God tells me to makeA most beautiful and fragrant garden
Inside my heart.Then no mind-problem of mine
Can remain insoluble. ```Today
God's Compassion-EyeHas most blessingfully charmed my heart
And most powerfully disarmed my mind. ```Today
My mind is singingWith God-existence-certainty
And my heart is dancingWith God-fulfilment-assurance.
And every day from now on,I shall walk along my heart's
God-willingness and God-eagerness-roads,And not along my mind's
God-disbelieving and God-displeasing roads. ```Today
God has decided to hear from meOnly my heart-songs
And not my mind-stories. ```Today
I shall not examineMy patience-heart.
I shall examine onlyMy sincerity-mind.
My soul is feedingMy mind, my heart and my life
With Divinity's Infinitude. ```Today
My God-obedience is carrying meFar beyond the boundaries
Of my heart's insecuritiesAnd my mind's impurities.
Even my doubting mindIs more than eager
To fly the aspiration-plane. ```Today
My heart is destined to bloom,Although yesterday
It appeared fated to doom. ```Today
My mind will imploreGod's Compassion from all directions.
My life will exploreTruth in all directions.
God is showing me two things.He is showing me
How I can feel the heartbeatOf every human being.
He is also showing meHow He is the Heartbeat
Of every human being. ```Today
I shall not dreamOf God's Paradise.
I shall only cry and smileWith the realities of the world.
My mind sincerely regretsIts inability to see the divine
In each and every human being. ```Today
I shall not, under any circumstances,Try to flatter the world,
But untiringly try to better the world. ```Today
God, out of His infinite Compassion,Has removed all
Disobedience-impurity-thoughtsFrom my mind.
My Beloved Supreme has blessed meWith ceaseless self-offering-capacity.
God has blessed me with His Heart'sUnconditional Forgiveness-Smile.
God's Satisfaction-LetterHas already arrived,
Even before I have fulfilledMy God-manifestation-promise.
Patience from my heartWill challenge
Tomorrow's impatience-mindAnd conquer it.
My willingness-mind is risingAnd my eagerness-heart is flying
To welcome God. ```Today
Each unaspiring, unhealthyAnd uncomely thought
I shall take as a nightmare of nonsense. ```Today
Like my heart's rising aspiration-flames,I shall awaken and feed
My mind's growing inspiration-plants. ```Today
I have realisedThat so long as I have obedience,
Not disobedience,I shall not only survive
But also winIn the battlefield of life.
My heart and the Lord SupremeWill have a marathon conversation.
I am sure my mindWill never be able to believe it
In a thousand years. ```Today
I am blessedNot only with God's compassionate Arrival,
But also with the capacityTo love Him and satisfy Him.
My unconditional surrender-heartIs invited to join
God's transcendental Peace Conference. ```Today
I have finally realisedThat self-giving purifies the mind,
Intensifies the heartAnd simplifies the life.
I have realised thatWhen I am in my mind,
I lose everythingIn utter uselessness.
My heart's sweeter-than-the-sweetestAspiration-conversation with God
Is most luminous and most precious. ```Today
God has asked His dearest child,Peace,
To lovingly and self-givinglyPlay in my heart.
I have developedA ceaseless and deathless need
For God-Forgiveness. ```Today
God has categorically told meThat He will never even touch
My mind's textbook. ```Today
My purity-mind and my sincerity-heartHave infinitely enhanced my God-need.
God tells meThat my aspiration-heart is pleasing Him
And my dedication-life is pleasing Him,But my gratitude-breath is pleasing Him
Infinitely more. ```Today
I am determined to liveIn a worry-anxiety-free world.
I shall live far beyond the domainOf my unfulfilled and failed dreams.
My soul quite surprisinglyHas asked me to become a member
Of its God-dream-club. ```Today
God's Compassion-Eye is feeding meWith thriving seeds of self-confidence.
My soul is inspiring meTo become a student
At God-satisfaction-school. ```Today
I am so happy to live in betweenMy heart's aspiration-voice
And my life's surrender-choice. ```Today
I shall be victoriousOver all temptations,
And not just wrestle with them. ```Today
I have come out ofAge-old ignorance-sleep.
Therefore, my Lord Supreme is offeringHis thunderous Applause.
I shall not permit,Even for a fleeting moment,
Fear to corrode my heartAnd doubt to corrode my mind.
I shall have my first and foremost meetingWith God's Peace,
And I am sure this meetingWill fulfil my entire life.
I have told my mindThat it is deplorably unreliable.
This statement of mineIs one hundred per cent undeniable.
My soul tells me that my God-dreamsAre infinitely more meaningful
Than I can ever be aware of. ```Today
After a long time,God-realisation-aspiration-dream
Is burning in my heart. ```Today
My gratitude-heart has becomeThe inseparable friend
Of my every inhalation and exhalation. ```Today
I am singing and dancingWith the voracious appetite
Of my God-hungry heart. ```Today
I said to my heart,"O my heart,
You have already come so far.Do not give up.
You are destined to reachThe Goal supreme."
I have discoveredThat in each life
There is the beauty of a poem,And in each heart
There is the fragrance of a flower. ```Today
I shall silence the prideOf two powerful things:
My temptation-mindAnd my frustration-vital.
I have found out that nothingHas given more trouble to God
Than humanity's insecurity. ```Today
God has made me into a love-treeTo shelter a great many
Tender seeker-hearts. ```Today
I shall not acceptMy mind's imagination-poverty,
My heart's aspiration-povertyAnd my life's dedication-poverty.
My Lord SupremeHas unconditionally given me
The rare toll to cross ignorance-ocean. ```Today
I shall be my heart's happiness-songAnd not my mind's sad story.
I shall by no means allowDoubt-dust to obscure my mind.
I shall be the collector ofMy long-forgotten God-dreams.
God's Forgiveness-Heart cameAnd helped me escape
From my mind's desire-prison. ```Today
God has blessingfully invited meAnd my aspiration-heart
To walk with HimIn our soul-freedom-countryside.
When God thinks of my mind,He only sobs.
When He thinks of my vital,He only laughs.
When He thinks of my life,He only cries.
And when He thinks of my heart,He only smiles.
My mind's jungle-path has been sweptBeautifully clear
By the tears of my heart. ```Today
God has made meA genuine lover of truth.
TomorrowGod wants me to be
A staunch defender of truth. ```Today
My joy knows no boundsThat I was able to jump off
The zig-zag mind-train. ```Today
I shall not planFor an age-long bright future,
But for an immediate God-victory in my life. ```Today
I shall not begin my lifeWith my heart's hope —
No, not even with my soul's promise —But with my God-Satisfaction-surrender.
I must dive deep withinSo that I can discover
What is delaying my God-realisationAnd God-fulfilment-hour.
I want to ply my life-boat only betweenMy heart's hope-shore
And my soul's promise-shore. ```Today
I have become my heart's song-smilesTo draw the attention
Of my Lord's Compassion-Eye. ```Today
To my extreme joy,I am no longer a passenger
On my doubting mind'sStorm-tossed danger-thought-ship.
God has doneTwo most special things for me:
He has blessingfully acceptedThe humble hospitality
Of my aspiration-heart,And He has most drastically silenced
The blind hostilityOf my frustration-mind.
The tears of my heartShall rise and fall untiringly
To please God and claim GodAs their own, very own.
I am of two minds:Whether to frighten
Or enlightenMy unaspiring thoughts.
Much more than other days,My heart has gone infinitely farther
And learned infinitely fasterTo place itself at the Feet
Of the Lord Supreme. ```Today
My aspiration-heart and dedication-lifeAre smiling at each other,
Saluting each otherAnd helping each other
To manifest God's Vision on earthBeautifully and powerfully.
My heart is blessed with a new friend:God's Compassion-Eye;
My mind is blessed with a new friend:God's Forgiveness-Heart;
And my life is blessed with a new friend:God's Wisdom-Whisper.
I shall not be foundIn a tiny circle of hope,
But in a larger-than-the-largest circleOf promise.
My mind is crying for God's Love,My heart is crying for God alone
And I am crying for God's express Presence. ```Today
Long before my hope-heart came,My Lord Supreme blessed me
With His compassionate Presence. ```Today
I shall not criticise the worldAnd I shall not chastise the world.
I shall just surprise the worldWith my unconditional self-offering.
My life will beMy heart's aspiration-thirst
For God's Nectar-Smile. ```Today
My Lord tells meThat He gets real Happiness
Only when my mind most sincerelySmiles at Him.
I told GodThat even if He scolds me
And insults me ruthlessly,My love for Him will not decrease
Even an iota. ```Today
I have promisedUpon the Altar of God
That I shall not cherishMy mind's world-suspicion
Or my mind's world-frustration. ```Today
God has told my mind,"You may come and go."
But to my heart He has said,"You must come and live with Me!"
God is sitting most lovinglyAnd most proudly
Between my lion-soulAnd my lamb-heart.
God tells meThat if I think of Him devotedly,
He will not only think of me lovinglyBut also act for me proudly.
God wanted to amuse HimselfIn an unprecedented way:
He placed His CrownOn my monkey-clown-head.
I gave God what I had:My expectation-stupidity.
In return, God gave me what He is:His Satisfaction-Divinity.
I am exploring Heaven's soulTo find God the Dreamer.
I am exploring earth's heartTo find God the Lover.
The more I think of myselfAs an undeserving seeker,
The more I feel that GodIs an unreserved Giver.
God is giving my heart-sprinterThe capacity to run
At His own choice speed. ```Today
God touched my aspiration-heart-flameAnd transformed it into
My oneness-soul-sun. ```Today
My life is utterly consumedBy God and His Eternity's
Quenchless Thirst. ```Today
I showed God my child-heart.God not only showed me His Bliss-Flute
But also gave it to me to play on. ```Today
God has introduced meUnexpectedly and unconditionally
To His dearest and most ancient Friend:Peace.
God amputated my mindTo liberate my heart
From its prison-life. ```Today
I said to God,"My Lord, what can I do for You?"
He said to me,"My child, if you reimburse My Heart-Pocket
With your heart-smile,Tomorrow I shall give you infinitely more,
And I shall not ask you for anythingIn return."
I gave God my only possession:A teardrop.
God said, "My child,Here is your easiest entry
Into My own highest Heaven. ```Today
I said to God,"My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I am now tired.I am now ending my heart-marathon-song."
God said to me,"My child,
Since I never become tired,I am continuing
My Life-Infinity-Dance." ```From:Шрі Чинмой,Сьогодні, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from